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Spreading innovation in the NHS: call for evidence and ideas - deadline 26 August 2011 PDF Print E-mail
The Department of Health has recently invited ideas and evidence on how the adoption and spread of innovation can be accelerated throughout the NHS. Ideas could include actions for government, the Department of Health, industry, the National Commissioning Board, the NHS and other sectors.

The work is being led by Sir Ian Carruthers, Chief Executive of NHS South West, on behalf of NHS Chief Executive Sir David Nicholson.

Marketing Medicine thinks isgreat that the industry is being asked to contribute ans we're  pleased to pass on this information from The HealthTech and Medicines KTN which is seeking to provide a response to this invitation, based on input from KTN Members. Further details re available at: General introduction: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Aboutus/Features/DH_127943 Document explaining background and the questions being asked: http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_127947.pdf

Please provide bullet point responses or agree/disagree with the points we have made below. If you have any evidentiary documentation, this would be appreciated.

Learning from elsewhere about adoption and spread
What can the NHS and NHS Commissioning Board learn from local, national and international best practice to accelerate the pace and scale of adoption of innovations in the NHS? [Please include relevant examples, published papers or other evidence you have found useful.]

Many reviews on collaboration have emphasised the need for true partnerships which are formed early in the stage of developing new ideas with an eye to implementation. This enables a better appreciation of the needs of all stakeholders, and agreement of what is needed at the various stages of development to enable evaluation and progress to be maintained.

Within the USA, the SBIR scheme has a stronger commitment to procurement of successful innovation Reimbursement systems need to be examined and established early, such that there is a route to procurement should a new development (often with a new care pathway) be successful.

Regulatory bodies and HTA (including NICE) need strong engagement with the academic and business base in the development of emerging technologies (e.g. cell therapy) to enable the appropriate scientific evidence to be established for new regulations, and the ongoing development of such regulations as the science progresses.

Actions at national level in the NHS What specific actions do you think national NHS bodies, such as the NHS National Commissioning Board, need to take to encourage and stimulate the successful and rapid adoption and spread of innovations throughout the NHS?

New and ongoing engagement between NICE, NTAC and iTAPP and businesses to ensure businesses are aware of the NHS procurement, adoption and diffusion infrastructures.

Relevant NHS bodies to clearly communicate the NHS priority needs such that businesses can respond to market demand, and enable better investment in new developments by public and private funders.

The NHS as intelligent customers to both articulate the needs (as above) but also to help define and work with businesses in priority development areas (disease or technology specific).

Better appreciation that businesses are an essential part of the delivery of better and more cost effective care, by developing new technologies and making them available on the market.

Actions at local level in the NHS What specific actions do you think local NHS bodies, such as providers and Clinical Commissioning Groups, need to take to encourage and stimulate the successful and rapid adoption and spread of innovations throughout the NHS? Communication of specific local needs that local or national SMEs (and other businesses) can respond to.

NHS Trusts to act as champions and Showcases for new innovations, helping to specify needs, ensure practical implementation, develop changes in care pathways, and communicate widely once evidence of benefits is achieved (incentives to enable the latter are needed). NHS Trusts to have systems in place for early adoption such that other Trusts can rely on the evidence generated, and duplication is not needed at every Trust. Actions by NHS partners

What specific actions do you believe others, such as industry, academia, patient groups or local authorities, could take to accelerate adoption and spread, and what might encourage them to do so?

Businesses to take time to understand the environment the NHS must operate within, and ensure they develop the right evidence, taking into account changes in care pathways, training, etc, to enable serious consideration of adoption by a Trust or group of Trusts. Patient Groups to be advocates for technologies which are seen to provide real benefit to their communities.

The accepted use (by all) of (approved?) health economics and relevant Health Technology Assessments to generate the relevant data on the benefits/value of new technologies. Any other comments

Do you have any further comments about accelerating the adoption and spread of innovation in healthcare?

We would like to be able to follow up interesting comments and case studies please return to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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