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Winning tenders tip - Provide exactly what's asked PDF Print E-mail
It's so important to answer questions exactly as they're asked, and this is particularly relevant in areas such as price lists.

Often tenders will ask for prices in specific formats, and they do this for a reason, this is so that they can compare like for like.  If your company submits information in a different format or not broken down into the components they are asking for, your bid may be rejected because they won't be able to evaluate it correctly and easily.

Remember that procurers receive many bids for work, and your bid is just another number. It's important to make the life of the procurer as easy as possible, they won't have the time or inclination to decipher your information.
  • Give prices exactly in the format that they've asked for.
  • Make the procurer's life as easy as possible - spoon feed them with the information they need.
  • Don't add additional information unless you are invited to.
  • Check, recheck and check the information you've added.
  • Ask colleagues to sense check your answering the questions as they've been asked.
Marketing Medicine are experts at constructing successful healthcare tenders that win medical companies work.  Let us help you win your next tender and get in touch on 01530 222018 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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